Actor Kamal Haasan’s daughter actress Shruti Haasan is having a good time. His recently released movie ‘Saalar’ is still going strong. Meanwhile, he took the net world by storm by celebrating the new year with his father and boyfriend.There are rumors that Shruti and Shantanu are in a love relationship for a long time. Even a few days ago, the news was published that they are secretly married. Although Shruti was very upset about the matter at that time.He said that if he gets married, he will inform everyone. However, the fans did not comment on the matter of love. This time, Shruti celebrated her birthday at her father Kamal Haasan’s house holding hands with her lover Shantanu. Not only his father, many family members were present on this occasion.He said that if he gets married, he will inform everyone. However, the fans did not comment on the matter of love. This time, Shruti celebrated her birthday at her father Kamal Haasan’s house holding hands with her lover Shantanu. Not only his father, many family members were present on this occasion.