His Hollywood series ‘Citadel’ was released on Netflix late last year. Priyanka Chopra again in Hollywood film. He said on Saturday that he is going to act in a new movie.The name of the film is ‘The Bluff’. In this movie, Priyanka will share the screen with ‘The Boys’ famous actor Karl Urban. Priyanka has given the news of a new beginning on her Instagram page.Alongside a photo of herself with Karl Urban, the actress wrote, ‘Now and then if we’re alive, well, God will allow us to be the new pirates.’ Priyanka shared this quote by writer Mark Twain on her Instagram story. Husband Nick Jonas also expressed his love in Priyanka’s post. Nick also shared the post on his Instagram page.This movie will be produced by ‘AGBO’ Studio and ‘Amazon MGM Studio’. ‘The Bluff’ will tell the story of the mysterious past life of a former female pirate. Priyanka will be seen in the role of a former pirate. However, no information regarding when the shooting will start or when this movie will be released has come to light.