Bollywood star couple Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone publicly came to vote in the Lok Sabha elections. Deepika’s curves were evident in a loose white T-shirt as well. But no fat was noticed in other parts of Deepika’s body. Some of the netizens commented on that as ‘fake baby bump’. Now Ranveer Singh responded with that complaint.According to a Hindustan Times report, Ranveer Singh has always stood by his wife Deepika. This time he did not fail. Deepika went public on Friday to promote her skincare brand.
On Saturday, Ranveer shared a picture of Deepika sizzling in a yellow dress on his Instagram story. Ranveer’s caption in the film caught everyone’s attention. Ranveer wrote about the cynics, ‘Buri Nazarwale Tera Mu Kaala’.
This is a popular Hindi proverb which translated into Bengali means ‘Ink on the face of those who cast evil eye’.
Ranveer writes in Deepika’s film, ‘Amar Rod! Panchmukh Ranveer did not stop here in praising his wife. He also wrote ‘Oops! Who is it? Mar Jaun? (What shall I do? I shall die)’.
Deepika’s maternity district is bursting in this film. Mohmayi Deepika with light makeup and tied hair. The heroine decorated herself with small earrings of diamonds and pearls. In February, Deepika and Ranveer announced Deepika’s pregnancy. They are due to have a baby next September. After appearing at Bafta with her belly covered in a saree, the pregnancy rumors of the actress hit the headlines. At the Ambani Jamnagar party in March, Ranveer even said how excited he is about becoming a father.Deepika will next be seen opposite Prabhas in ‘2898 AD’ and ‘Singham Again’. On the other hand, Ranveer Singh will act in ‘Singham Again’. Apart from this, Ranveer is staying in ‘Don 3’.