Bollywood star couple Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt suddenly went to Italy with their daughter Raha Kapoor. The Kapoor family is believed to have left for Italy on Sunday night to attend the second pre-wedding ceremony of the Ambanis.According to a Hindustan Times report, several pictures and videos of Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt from Mumbai’s Kalina Airport have already gone viral on social media. It is reported that they are going to Italy to attend the pre-wedding function of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. In the picture, Raha is seen sitting on her father’s lap. But she was on Alia’s lap while heading towards the airport, later Raha was seen on her father’s lap.
At that time, Alia was wearing a gray hoody and pants. On the other hand, Ranveer was seen in a white t-shirt and gray trousers. Raha was also dressed in white clothes.
The Anant-Radhikar event will be held on a luxury cruise for three days. The cruise will sail from Italy to France.
Earlier also the first pre-wedding ceremony was held in Jamnagar for three days. There were many guests from home and abroad, including Raha-Ranveer-Alia.
Meanwhile, Alia shared a picture of Raha on Instagram on Sunday. In the picture, the actress is seen sitting on a sofa with her daughter on her lap. Mother and daughter are reading a book called ‘Baby Be Kind’ together. Sharing the picture, Alia captioned it, ‘Baby be kind’.
After five years of dating, Alia-Ranbir Kapoor tied the knot at Satpa’s flat in Bandra on April 14, 2022. In November of that year, daughter Raha came into their lives.
Alia will next be seen in ‘Jigra’ opposite Bedang Raina. Alia also co-produced with Karan Johar in ‘Jigra’ directed by Bhasan Bala.The film will hit the theaters on September 27, 2024. He will also be seen playing the lead role in a Spy Universe film. The heroine is preparing for it. The shooting of the film will begin later this year.